Sunday, October 2, 2011

One Month Old! (9/30/2011)

Can you believe it? Our little baby is already a month old. She’ll be heading off to college before we know it. Right after Susan and I found out we were going to be parents, my emotions were on high alert. I walked into a Costco and as always was immediately sprung on by giant TVs. This time Costco had Toy Story 3 on loop. I stopped to watch the opening scene where Andy was playing so happily with his toys, only to find out that this was an old home video and Andy was leaving for college! I quickly dried my eyes and commenced shopping as I pondered the sad day in which my embryo would someday leave home.  And just like so many have warned, “they grow up so fast.” I know I know, it’s only been a month, get over it right? Well you just don’t know how much she has grown!
She has already grown way past the meconium poop stage. After day two, I’d never get to scrub my little tar-butt baby again. Now she has moved on past the mustard seed phase onto green poo. It is happening SO fast! Reagan kind of moved her fist to her mouth on purpose today, she can sometimes follow a face, toy, or voice. She is almost out of her newborn diapers, she drank from a bottle, she sleeps in her own room, she plays kicky feet all day, and it's all spiraling out of control. 
Regardless of how much we love the Reagan of that day, we seem to be even more impressed and in love with Reagan the next day. She is perfect and makes each day so much more amazing.

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